레이맨인 개종자들

라만인 감옥에는 ³00명의 경비병과 영적 증인들이 있었다.

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레이맨인 개종자들

The Lamanite Converts refer to a group of approximately three hundred individuals who served as guards and witness to an extraordinary spiritual event involving Nephi and Lehi. These guards were present when Nephi and Lehi, sons of Helaman, were held in a Lamanite prison and experienced a divine encounter. During this event, a miraculous scene unfolded in which Nephi and Lehi were surrounded by fire, yet remained unharmed. The surrounding darkness was dispelled by the voice of the Lord, causing fear and awe among the witnesses.

Among these guards was a Nephite dissenter named Aminadab, who recognized the divine nature of what was taking place. When questioned by the others, Aminadab instructed them to turn to faith and repent, guiding them to understand that Nephi and Lehi were conversing with angels (Helaman 5:39). This profound experience led the guards to receive their own spiritual manifestations, wherein they were encircled by a pillar of fire and filled with the Holy Spirit, ultimately leading to their conversion. These Lamanite Converts, having witnessed and participated in such a significant event, played a role in the subsequent spread of peace and the teachings of Christ among the Lamanite people.

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